Dartmouth Flag Raising Ceremony: 8:30 a.m., Alderney Landing, Dartmouth.
Halifax Flag Raising Ceremony: 8:30 a.m., Grand Parade, City Hall, Halifax.
Dartmouth Pancake Breakfast: Free, 8-9 a.m., Alderney Landing, Dartmouth.
Halifax Pancake Breakfast: Free, 8-9 a.m., Grand Parade, City Hall, Halifax.
Halifax Canada Day Ceremony: Free admission, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., music by the Royal Nova Scotia Tattoo Choir and the Stadacona Band of Maritime Forces Atlantic and Hey Ocean, Victorian pageantry, marching, rifle drills. Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada, 5425 Sackville, St., Halifax. 426-5080.
The Great Canadian Family Picnic on the Commons: Free, noon-4 p.m., The Halifax Common by the pavilion and skate park. 490-6394.
Canada Day With Viva Flamenco and Dalhousie Urban Dance Movement:
7 p.m., Sackville Landing, Halifax. 830-6544.
Molson Canadian Free Canada Day Concert: 4-11:59 p.m., with The Trews, Stanfields, Hey Ocean!, Andrew Hunter & The Gatherers, Alderney Landing, Dartmouth.
Free Concert at Sullivan’s Pond: 2-4 p.m., with Bonnie Ste-Croix. Dartmouth. Canada Day Fireworks: 10 p.m., Dartmouth Crossing, Dartmouth. 490-6394, hrmcanadaday.ca/events.php.
34th Annual Bedford Days: Today-Sunday, DeWolf Park. Friday, pancake breakfast, teddy bear picnic, fireworks. 490-4740, bedforddays.ca.
15th Annual Canada Day Chicken Barbecue: 11a.m.-2 p.m., Western Shore and Area Improvement Association Hall, 6485 Highway #3, Western Shore. 627-2529.
Canada Day at the Acadian House Museum: 1-4 p.m., season opening with music by the Acadian Angels, tearoom open, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 79 Hill Rd., West Chezzetcook. 827-5992.
Canada Day at the Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum: 1-3 p.m., music, free cake, barbecue. 21 School St., Middleton. 825-6116.
Canada Day at the Fultz House Museum: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., flag raising and reaffirmation, lunch, cake. 33 Sackville Dr., Lower Sackville. 865-3794.
Canada Day at Fort Anne National Historic Site: Free admission, 1-3 p.m., family entertainment, cake, interact with Parka the Beaver, Annapolis Royal. 323 St. George St., Annapolis Royal. 532-2321.
Canada Day at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site: Free admission, Friday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m., cake, Mi’kmaq basket-making, Petroglyph tour, campfire; Saturday, 9 p.m., regular fees apply, Friends of Keji Centennial Concert Series with Tanya Davis, Maitland Bridge, Annapolis County. 682-2772, kejimkujik.
Canada Day at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic: Free admission to CSS Acadia and HMCS Sackville. 1675 Lower Water St., Halifax. 424-7490, maritime.museum.gov.ns.ca.
Canada Day at Memory Lane Heritage Village: Celebrate Dominion Day, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., with model boats in action on the Dufferin Pond, displays by the Maritime Ship Modelers Guild, games, races, learn to pan for gold, food. 5435 Clam Harbour Rd., #7 Highway, Lake Charlotte. 1-877-2870697, heritagevillage.ca.
Canada Day at the Musee des Acadien des Pubnicos et Centre de recherché: 1 p.m. , flag raising ceremony, music by Manitoba Hal and the South Shore Blues Trio. 898 Hwy 335, West Pubnico, Yarmouth. 762-3380, museeacadien.ca.
Canada Day at the Pier 21 Immigration Museum: Admission is free, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Official citizenship ceremony, 10 a.m.; multicultural fair, 11 a.m.; film screening of Talespinners Collection, 2-3 p.m. 1055 Marginal Rd., Halifax. 425-7770, pier21.ca.
Canada Day at the Sherbrooke Village: Street parade, concert, fireworks at the performance centre. 42 Main St., Sherbrooke. 888-743-7845, sherbrookevillage.ca.
Canada Day at the Scott Manor House: 1 p.m., guided walk of Bedford, 15 Fort Sackville Rd., Bedford. 832-2336, scottmanorhouse.ca.
Canada Day at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives: Family fun day with face painting, storytelling, races, scavenger hunt, picnic. Ages 10 and under, 10-11 a.m.; ages 11 and up, 3-4 p.m. 22 Collins St., Yarmouth. 742-1428.
Canada Day Celebrations: 7-10 p.m., games, prizes, bonfire, fireworks, Mira River Provincial Park, Cape Breton County. 563-3373, 563-3371.
Canada Day Bicycle Parade: Noon, children are encouraged to decorate their bikes and parade through the park, Smileys Provincial Park, Hants County. 757-3131,
Westmount Canada Day Celebrations: Parade, 11 a.m., leaving from County Arena on Keltic Drive; opening ceremony, 1 p.m., park centre, Petersfield Provincial Park, Cape Breton County. 564-9341, 577-8926.
Canada Day Walk: Five or 10-kilometre group guided hike for all ages, 9:30 a.m., meet at park entrance, 1188 Westmount Rd., Petersfield Provincial Park, Cape Breton County. 562-3117,
Canada Day in the Village of Greenwood: 3:30 p.m., parade of flags, cake, dog show, magic show, wagon rides, barbecue; 7 p.m., music by the Blueprint band; 10 p.m., fireworks, Village of Greenwood.
Canada Day Celebrations: Part of Privateer Days Festival, today to Sunday, fireworks, cupcakes, treasure hunt, concert featuring Hal Bruce and Charlie A’Court, wagon tours, geocaching, washer toss, Liverpool, Queens County. privateerdays.ca.
Canada Day Run-Walk-a-thon: 10-kilometres, 9 a.m., from Walkers Funeral Home Tantallon to St. Margarets Bay Legion in Seabright. 821-2085.
Canada Day Party: Kicks off Peggys Cove Area Festival of the Arts, 6-8 p.m., Shining Waters Marina, 148 Nautical Way, Tantallon. 826-3625.
Canada Day Celebrations in Amherst: Will be held on Ratchford Street, Amherst. 667-6525,
Annual Canada Day Supper: 3-6 p.m., Rawdon District Fire Hall.
Annual Canada Day Celebration:
1 p.m., all-ages event, music, free arts workshops, food fair, fireworks, face-painting, games, barbecue, Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, 555 Ross Creek Rd., Canning. 582-3842, artscentre.ca.
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