Gov. Rick Perry's Texas-Sized Economy

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

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On Thursday, it is our final episode. Make sure you join us this week. And thank you for watching.
Rick Perry, who is the governor of Texas, joins me now.
And we have questions for you, Rick. You say you're creating jobs. Can the government actually create job, sir?
GOV. RICK PERRY, R-TEXAS: Actually, what a government can do is create environment where those jobs can be created. Government doesn't create any jobs. They can actually run jobs away. Ask folks in Illinois.
BECK: OK. Now, you don't have a state legislature. How does your state legislature work?
PERRY: Well, it meets every other year for 140 days, which we just finished that about 27 days ago. And they didn't finish all of the business at hand. So, hopefully, the day after tomorrow, they will have finished up the session and go home and live under the laws that they helped create.
By the way, one of those, loser pay, in the reform of our -- continual reform of our legal system, will make Texas even more competitive to those people that want to live outside of the fear of frivolous lawsuits.
BECK: Who are those alien life forms?
Rick, Time magazine report says you're just -- you are just the master at the theater of job poaching from another states. In other words, you're just hurting all the other states.
PERRY: Actually, that's what our Founding Fathers had in mind with the 10th Amendment. They said, you guys go out there and compete, whoever can put the best environment together, the tax structure that you're most comfortable with, regulatory climate that is fair and predictable, a legal system that doesn't account for over suing and accountable public schools so that there's a skilled workforce and then let's see where everybody wants to live.
And over the last decade, Texas has won that contest, pretty much not even a close second.
BECK: Yes. Well, I don't know who these Founders are, of who you speak. But I have to tell you, you're just poaching jobs like, for instance, all you're doing is you're saying to people, let's say, well, let's say my business. Probably, by the end of the year I'll have 150 employees. We had 10 I think a couple of years ago.
If I went to you and said rick on the Q.T., I'll move my company to Texas but I need you to give me zero income tax. Do you see what I'm saying, Rick? And then you'd say --
PERRY: I think we can work with you.
BECK: See? It's dirty guys like you.
BECK: Oh, wait a minute, you don't have a state income tax.
I have this theory -- I have this theory, Rick, that you are going to become -- I mean, this is Texas. You are going to become a real problem in America because you are going to be -- they are going to say you are hurting states like California that's already just trying to keep its head above water. You are hurting New York City because people are leaving New York City, all over the country they're leaving, to come to Texas. So, you are hurting them.
PERRY: You know, it's interesting. The legislature and the Democrat lieutenant governor came to Texas about six weeks ago to sit down and just talk about how we'd created this environment for job growth in Texas.
And it's really that competition, Glenn, that's going to make America strong again. It's the federal government kind of getting out of our hair. The idea that they are telling us how to educate our children or how to deliver health care, or how, for that matter, to clean our air. It's really nonsense.
If you really want to get America back to this vibrant economy, then respect the 10th Amendment, allow the states to be the laboratories of innovation.
I can promise you, when Rick Scott over in Florida or Nikki Haley over in South Carolina, or for that matter -- well, I don't know whether Andrew Cuomo would come up with something that I would bring back to state of Texas, but the fact is, if those governors and their legislature come up with some great ideas, we're going to go snitch them from each other. We're going to go bring those in our state and try them.
It's how our Founding Fathers actually foresaw the country being competitive. So, you know, Washington just kind of let us come up with great ideas. You all take care of our military. Defend our borders. Wait a minute, that's a problem for them, too.
BECK: You know, Rick, I mean this sincerely. And I know that you're considering possibly running for president of the United States. And I'm considering possibly moving to Texas. I don't know who your lieutenant governor is, but I am thinking that we're not going to let you leave Texas. I mean, I could run for governor of Texas, I'm just saying.
PERRY: That's an idea.
BECK: It's a really crappy, bad idea. Let me tell you this one. Let me ask you this --
PERRY: Talk about creating some aliens.
BECK: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I'd make MSNBC's head explode. It would be great.
The 95-year-old woman on the TSA -- let me change topics with you. Ninety-five-year-old woman that was frisked at the airport told that she's dying of cancer, she's in a wheelchair. They told her to take her diaper off -- adult diaper, so she could -- it's humiliating.
The AFL-CIO gets the contract, gets to be able to -- they're going to organize the airport workers.
You guys in Texas tried to stand against all of this stuff and they said, we'll make sure that no plane ever flies into Texas. How can a state actually fight back?
PERRY: It's actually interesting. We introduced legislation during the regular session, and then I put it back on the call for this session. And it was the threat of that legislation -- just this last week, TSA has started doing their operations differently. They're responding to the threat of a state and hopefully other states in the country will stand up and say you know what?
We're not going to allow federal employees to abuse the people in our states. There are a host of areas like that when you look at how the federal government is abusing the people of our country.
BECK: Are you concerned at all about the organizing of the airport workers by the AFL-CIO? The security, homeland security?
PERRY: Sure. I think anytime you have federal employees being unionized, I have a real problem with that. You don't have to look much further than what we have already that those federal agencies, or the federal employees that are unionized at the end of the day, it's not in the best interest of the citizens certainly the citizens who aren't part of that union.
BECK: Real quick, Governor Perry. Where do you stand on Israel?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 27, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: Yes, it's one of our last four shows here on Fox.


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