Edwards violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, the government alleges, by encouraging two wealthy supporters to fork over more than $900,000 that was used to cover up his affair with a campaign aide who bore him a child.
The charge is, in essence, that Edwards violated the Seventh Commandment prohibiting adultery. It is dressed up, however, in the language of one of those many federal criminal statutes that are vague enough to cover a vast swath of human conduct—some innocuous, some distasteful. But when going by the letter of the law, no reasonable person would conclude that a federal crime had been committed.
Edwards’ cover-up might have been a wholly personal matter except for the fact that he had launched a campaign for the presidency, according to the government’s indictment. Going by the government’s far-fetched theory, the cover-up was aimed not at hiding the affair from Edwards’ dying wife and their children, but rather at preserving “the centerpiece of Edwards’ candidacy,” described by the indictment as “his public image as a devoted family man.”
Back in the 1930’s a popular radio announcer named Frank Readick, Jr., opened each broadcast of “The Shadow” by intoning: “Who knows what evil lies in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Apparently, federal prosecutors have solved the mystery of what lurked in John Edwards’ heart—and mind—when he learned that he’d impregnated his mistress. The indictment frames Edwards’ wife and kids as being of zero concern in comparison to his political career. Perhaps his motives were mixed. But for prosecutors to say that “beyond a reasonable doubt” the candidate lied and engaged in the cover up for political rather than personal reasons assumes an insight that neither federal prosecutors, nor anyone else for that matter (including, perhaps, Edwards himself), likely possesses. In such a situation, this indictment becomes nothing more than an opportunity for expansive and ever-malleable federal power to force itself into the most intimate details of a citizen’s life and, not so incidentally, advance the careers of ambitious federal prosecutors.
This remarkable indictment even faults Edwards for appearing on “national television” and making false statements denying paternity as well as a cover up. The indictment accuses Edwards of falsifying, concealing and covering up “by trick [and] scheme… campaign finance reports with the FEC.” By this theory, false denial of myriad personal failings is a felony.
In criminalizing Edwards’ transgressions, the feds have cast the net so wide that two former FEC commissioners have refused to testify as expert witnesses on behalf of the prosecution. Seeing as the indictment is relying on an obscure, 11-year old FEC advisory opinion, it’s no wonder professionals whose prior jobs involved enforcing electoral regulations want nothing to do with this case.
Much news and commentary on the Edwards indictment concedes that it rests on an “untested legal theory.” However, the problem—indeed, the danger—is far more profound than mere novelty. The prosecution of Edwards proceeds on the theory that the feds can indict anyone who might arguably have mixed motives in covering up personal failings. Given this standard, many law abiding citizens are in danger of facing time in the federal penitentiary.
Centuries of common law precedent as well as the “due process” clause of the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment make the Edwards indictment disturbing to those who believe in the rule of law. This case is a clear-cut example of over-reaching federal prosecutors trying to find some prohibition in the statute books for the “bad” among us.
John Edwards is entitled to no sympathy from anyone, but he is entitled to the protections of the Constitution. We will all be more secure if the federal courts recognize what the Edwards prosecution is really about and dismiss it before allowing this circus to go to trial and make a mockery of our federal legal system.
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