JONESBORO, AR (KAIT)- The heat has made it to region once again, and each year is as deadly as the next.
This summer, even the ones acclimated to the outdoors and excessive heat are in danger.
Local football coaches are watching their players closely for signs of heat-related illnesses and taking the precautions to avoid any injuries.
Greene County Tech head football coach Jeff Conaway says it's getting hotter and hotter.
"We weigh our kids each time they walk through the door. They have to step on the scale and weigh in. At the end of practice, they weigh out. For every pound of fluid they have lost during practice, they have to drink sixteen ounces of water to replenish themselves."
Safety is the number one priority for football programs.
"We make sure we give our players several opportunities to rest and cool down. And we have water at every station."
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